The Buttercup Room is led by Heather Lucas, a Senior Nursery Practitioner.
The baby suite can accommodate up to 24 Buttercup Babies (birth to 2 years) in this room with a staff ratio of 1:3.
Our parents have often compared entering this room to being given a big cuddle! The warm and welcoming environment is as important for the child as it is for the parent.
In joining the Buttercups we work hard to find out as much information as we can about your individual child to ensure that we can offer a home-from-home environment.
Babies of this age group experience many “firsts”. First tooth, first word, first step…..we want to help you and your child share those experiences and support them through such a rapid period of growth and development.
Our Buttercup children take part in various different types of daily play; physical, sensory, creative, musical and story time, all of which are driven by the Pre-Birth to Three Curriculum.