Making sure our children are offered a healthy well balanced diet whilst at Pine Trees is so important. Our cook Janet works closely with a qualified nutritionist to plan each menu ensuring we provide an exciting, well-balanced and nutritional experience for all our children. The children are consulted with and help Janet to choose some of their favourite dishes as well as some new ones taking part in a taste test where new dishes are concerned.
We have uploaded a sample menu to give you a flavour of what’s on offer at meal and snack times.Please note children with allergies are carefully considered and an allergen table is included in each menu. We value parent input in all aspects of Nursery life so if you have any ideas or suggestions you would like us to introduce then please don’t be shy! Equally, Janet is often asked for her recipes to help with meal times at home, she is always happy to share these with parents and help where she can and a recipe book can be bought from the office for a small fee.
Our menus are displayed in the Nursery at all times and are emailed with the weekly email on a Friday afternoon, you will also find these on the ParentZone app which you are given access to once in the Nursery. This helps our parents plan ahead for the following week making sure their child is getting the variety they need to fuel their active minds!